Why am I doing this?

I thought I could put together a blogging site where I gather up things I have learned or ideas I’ve come across over the course of my life, so I can find them in the future.  Sometimes these things get lost or forgotten, so I have to find the answer all over again when I need to use it.

At first it will probably be disorganized and jump all over the place, there isn’t any specific theme or underlying meme.  I’m not trying to create a cooking site, or an organizing your life site, or a natural health and wellness site, or a job search site, or any particular thing. It will probably include a little of everything, and I’m sure I’ll focus on one thing for a while, then another for a while, and so on.

So, there it is.  The purpose of this site is to have stuff in one place.  Maybe it will be interesting to others, maybe not.

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